Over the last few days in our local church, we have spent some time to think on and to meditate on these verses, in the context of value.
It’s astonishing, when we think about these words of Jesus Christ, how highly valued and essential we are in His mind and His great plan for us. He qualifies us and calls us ‘the salt’ and ‘the light’. This means that we have His DNA. As Christians, we have the life of Jesus Christ in us. Today, Jesus tells us-His children, that we have something special in us: You have my life in you. This is what He is saying to us. We have the same ability to bring change to our world. He has intentionally placed us within our families, our communities and our friendships to flavour and to illuminate our world.
Jesus is calling out to us today, that we have Him in us and that priceless gift of salvation should not be trampled upon or hidden. God values you and I so much and Be wants us to unfold this value, our light and our salt to our communities and to our world.
Do you often feel inadequate and never up to the mark? Do you often look down on yourself and constantly see a big divide between the person you are now and the person you think you should be? Jesus Christ, in our passage today is addressing that false thought, and He is saying that you aren’t in the category to be trampled on. You have something valuable in you. Beyond the criteria of men, God calls us light. He sees great value in us right now and He wants us to see that same value. God wants us never to think of ourselves as to be trampled upon, people with no value, hence He instantly calls us light. So that when you think that you are not good enough, when you feel inadequate, hear Gods voice saying to you: you are light, you are precious, you are of great value.
No matter how little you may want to think of the flicker of light, it still illuminates and with the right input of oxygen, its gradually gains strength and momentum. Meditating of God’s word is the right input and oxygen we need to see the strength in what others may call flicker of light. God sees great value in us.
So, as you think on these words, it is our prayer that even right now, you will begin to see opportunities to flavour your networks, opportunities to lighten up your families, your communities and your world. There are several opportunities around you us every day. Remember, God placed you there for a reason: to flavour and to illuminate. Identify your God-given value and shine!
Lord Jesus, thank you for remininding me of how much you value me. Help me to take my place as your child, shinning your light and changing my world one day at a time. Give me God-confidence in all I do, that I will never think little of myself anymore. Today, I choose to shine forth your light, trustung in you and in your ability, Amen.