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welcome to our zone....


its the childrens church

At Faith Aglow Childrens Church, we aim to encourage our children to enjoy the christian faith and being in church, by teaching them from a very young age about Jesus Christ and christian principles in stories, songs, dance, crafts, etc. 

Our classes are fun, interactive and creative, that all our children will be brought up in the way and fear of God, being the light to their world... Matthew 5: 14- 16



Blossom class is ideally for children between the ages of 0 - 2 years. 


We aim to teach the children all about the bible story of Noah's Ark, the books of the bible up to Job and 3 bible memory verses by watching videos, dancing, singing, craft, puzzles and lots of action songs.


These classes are very unstructured and parents are encouraged to attend with their children once in a while.






Glow class is for children between the ages of 5 - 10 years.


Here, children are encouraged to lead praises to God and pray. We aim to teach them all the books of the bible in songs and dance.

They will also learn 3 more bible memory verses such that at 10, all our children would know 10 memory verses.

Children in this class will be taught the bible stories of Daniel, Joseph and the birth of Jesus Christ. They will all the encouraged to role play once in a while. 



Radiant class is set for children between the ages of 2 - 5 years.


Here, children are taught the creation story, and the story of Adam and Eve.

We aim to teach them 4 additional bible memory verses at this stage.

Again, these will be through story times, songs, videos and lots of crafts.

Children in this class will the taught all the books of the old testament in songs and a dance.


This class is a bit more structured and children are encouraged to take the lead once in a while.


All children above the age of 10 will follow a pre-planned class manual drawn up by the class teacher as appropriate.

All our classes have craft and activities tailored in teaching our children all the lessons within their classes. We currently work with all the children who are members of the church. However, our children's church is open to non members of Faith Aglow. We do ask that you contact us to book your child in for any of our classes so we can make available sufficient craft materials for your child or children. Our classes are free and run from 11 am to 12 noon every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of each month.

For your peace of mind and the safety of our children, all our teachers are DBS checked and we have a trained nurse on site at all times.


Please get in touch and we look forward to welcoming you and your little sunshine/s soon. God bless you.


We are a praying and bible believing church. We believe The Holy Bible, in its entirety, to be the inspired Word of God.

Read more about our beliefs here...


Faith Aglow Church

High Street, Hoyland

Barnsley.  S74 9AB


Registered UK Charity. Registration Number: 1175792

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